What is new?

Our game concept revolves around a new way to play games and share experiences with your friends. Innovative features include:

  • A challenging and inspiring 3D world that can be explored creatively
  • A new engine and plugin based around a concept of "streaming" (play high detail 3D games without downloading large files)

Who are we?

We are gamers. We want the next generation of games to give us more of what we love:

  • Fun and excitement
  • Interaction with many friends
  • Free to play!

And less of what we don't:

  • Dissapointing gameplay
  • Long load times
  • High prices

Check out our for more information about us.

What inspires us?

We get inspiration from our favorite games which have unique aesthetic qualities (The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past®), immersive environments (Shadow of the Colossus®), great story and pacing (Half-Life®), and innovative gameplay (Another World) that we admire.

"Angry Birds®" is brilliant because it perfects a very simple mechanic, and "FarmVille®" has revolutionized the way large scale communities interact.

All of these titles have fueled our passion to build a new genre; one which combines the excitement and immersion of high quality 3D experiences with casual mechanics, and deeply integrates play within a large community.

Why new technology?

We are striving to hit a quality bar higher than any game running directly in your browser, iPhone or iPad. Since there wasn't a platform available, we created a technology capable of delivering our vision of high quality content combined with social gaming.

We have been developing AAA titles for our entire professional career, and have collectively invented a new way to build games from the ground up - removing most of the wasted effort that goes into developing non-essential experiences.

This allows us to deliver higher quality content, on more platforms, playable with larger communities, faster than ever before.
